Sunday, February 27, 2011

Let's go fly a kite

This weekend it was finally windy enough to get out the kites! Grey has been dying to do this since Christmas when he got a really cool pirate ship kite from Nana San and Papa Karl. We had a blast and the kids LOVED chasing the kites around!

The pirate ship flies!

Grey and his pirate ship.

Grey flying the pirate ship.

Ella chasing the airplane.

Grey flying his kite.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

cooking out!

We have had some really nice weather here lately, for mid-February.  I’m enjoying it, but I really do kinda miss the cooler weather.  I’m supposed to be inside, curled up by the fireplace instead of running around outside bare footed and in shorts and t-shirts!  We haven’t been up to much, just enjoying family time and being outside.  This weekend we decided to cook out in the fire pit.  Grey  had a friend over and we cooked hot dogs and roasted marshmallows.  It was a really fun, relaxing weekend!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Starting Feb 1st my husband has left me little candies every morning with a sweet note. This has been especially fun for me because he has never been the Valentines type.

So I've enjoyed waking up each day to see what my little treat might say. We were also able to enjoy a double date this weekend and had a fun dinner out and games with our besties. It's always nice to have an adult night out!

On valentines morning I woke up early to make a special breakfast.

Grey was NOT a fan, however, because they were pink. "Mommmm. I can't eat those. They are for a girl." He can be such a turkey! And I made a super yummy dinner and dessert.

We ended the night with more chocolates, flowers, and stuffed animals. Overall, I think we had a really nice day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentines Parties

Today both Grey and Ella had Valentines parties at their schools. Grey picked out Tron Valentines and we made some rice krispie treats to go with them. Ella had Hello Kitty valentines and she loved them! I took off from work early to go and enjoyed attending with them. Greys class had crafts, games, and treats. He has a little girlfriend right now and I confess I don't know what to think about that! It's very cute and sweet but at the same time he says other kids make fun of him for having a girlfriend so that makes me sad. But, I enjoyed seeing her, although Grey wouldn't let me talk to her! Too funny! Here are some pictures of his party.

After Greys party we went to Ellas school for her party. I am so impressed with her teacher! They had a sub today so honestly, lots of 2 yr olds, plus sub, plus candy should have equaled chaos. It did not! She had those kids so well behaved! I did not get any pictures of Ellas party tho, unfortunately. But, overall, I enjoyed being able to attend the last party of the school year. Sniff, sniff. Let me wipe away my tears. Grey is going to be a 2nd grader before I know it!!!

Friday, February 04, 2011


Grey got to stay home again today.  That makes four days in a row!!  That is nuts!  I was off work again.  And Billy was able to stay home with us as well.  We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning.  It was so beautiful and peaceful.  When the kids got up we had the curtains and blinds all open so the first thing they would see was all the snow.  Grey and Billy ran to Target in search of make-shift sleds and we hit the slopes…er hill… by 10am!  Oh we had so much fun.  We all took turns going down the hill.  We had snowball fights, made snow angels, went for a really nice walk.  It was still early enough that it was so quiet and peaceful.  I hope that we made some wonderful memories for the kids.  I know that I will remember this day for the rest of my life. 

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Thursday, February 03, 2011

ice day – take three

Grey is home from school again today.  It is still so cold out.  I think it is somewhere in the teens with a wind chill near zero. That is crazy cold weather for Texas!!  Unfortunately today I had to work, but at least it is my normal work from home day, so I was able to stay home with the kids.  Although I’m not sure if being stuck inside with two kids AND working 8 hrs is really ideal!  We are watching movies, relaxing, and enjoying our fireplace.  Supposedly it is going to snow tomorrow.  The weather reports are predicting maybe up to 3 inches!  I am not sure yet if I will have to work tomorrow, so we will just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

ice day – take two

We got ANOTHER day off this week!  Awesome.  Except that the kids were sick last week, and so, we haven’t been outside of this house since Friday.  I’m going stir crazy.  They are going stir crazy. I am going stir crazy!!  So I decided to brave the weather and go to Target and McDonalds.  By the time we got to Target (which is literally walking distance from my house) I realized WHY there was no school and no work today and really questioned my sanity for being out.  It was beyond cold and the roads were horrid.  Then I remembered that my kids are the two worst shoppers in the world.  So that was fun.  NOT.  After Target, McDonalds is just a block away, so I figured it was better to try that than to try my patience.  We drove down, slipping and sliding.  Got the kids out, get in line, and sure enough, rolling blackouts hit and McDonalds looses power.  Fun.  So we had to leave and just hit a drive thru and head home.  All in all, though, it was a great day.  I’m loving being able to be at home with the kiddos and not have any stress of how many hours of work I have done and if the quality of my work is upstanding.  It’s been great to just hang out and play and enjoy my time at home!  And since no post is complete without a picture, here is one of Grey ---still in his jammies and playing Legos.  A happy, happy boy!


Tuesday, February 01, 2011

joy of love

For the  month of February I am doing a month long photo workshop documenting my loved ones.  Be sure to pop over to my photo blog to check out the pics!

ice day

Today Grey didn’t have school, and I didn’t have work!!!  Wonderful!  Dallas had a major ice storm roll thru and we are covered in ice here.  Unfortunately I did not go out and take any pictures (are you kidding…it was a wind chill of 1 degree!!!!).  Last week, on Thursday I noticed Grey wasn’t feeling his normal self.  So I kept him home and he seemed to just get worse, so Friday morning we went to the Dr.  Yup, Grey had the flu AND strep.  Ella was also positive for Strep.  So we had already been home since Thursday and indoors.  With it being so cold today I just didn’t think it would be a good idea for the kids to get outside.  Instead we made a fun dessert to have at home.  Brownie Pops (minus the pop!).  We made brownies, mixed them up with icing, then cut them into hearts and covered them with almond bark.  Seriously yummy!!

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