Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mimi turns 60






This past weekend we went to Houston for my mom, Mimi’s, 60th birthday.  It was a great weekend, full of fun and very relaxing.  We spent the weekend playing together and having some fabulous family time.  It was really a weekend to cherish!  The kids had a blast playing Wii, playing pinball, playing with Mimi and Tace, and just over all getting tons of love and attention!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ella’s Dr checkup

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Our little girl is 14 months and I finally made it to the doctor for her one year check up!!!  She weighs 18 pounds and is 30 inches long.  In weight, she is in the 5th percentile, and in height she is in the 30th (poor baby – that won’t last long!).  She had to get 5 shots!  Lets just say she was not a happy camper.  Right now she is a chatter box.  Here is a list of things she can say:

  • Mama
  • Daddy
  • Puppy
  • Here you go
  • night night
  • Hi
  • bye
  • love you
  • thank you

I think that covers everything she says.  She loves, loves, loves to talk on a phone.  Or anything she can pretend is a phone.  She picks up toys, puts it to her hear and says “Hi”.  She plays wonderfully with her brother.  She loves riding trikes and swings.  She doesn’t really pay much attention to the TV, but when she hears music she dances.  She is just such a blessing to us!!!!