Friday, October 24, 2008

Dr update:
I am now 60% effaced and dilated to a fingertip. So, it could be any day now, or 2 weeks from now. I'll keep ya posted!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dr update:
I went to the Dr today. All is well. But, I've been experiencing contractions all week. Really thought I was moving in the right direction, so I go to the Dr expecting/hoping to hear I was just about ready to have this baby. Instead.... no dilation, no effacement,no nothing. I asked how much longer and she casually says "at least 2 weeks". I tried to not cry.

The good side... the baby looks great. She is still a girl. She is about 6lbs now. She has dropped, and the Dr thinks I should have an easier labor this time around (and I hate to brag, but Grey was pretty easy). Other good points include more time to get ready, more time to finish up and get work ready for someone else, more work time = more sick time = more paid time off. So, lots of reasons to be thankful.

But still... I'm so ready to be done being pregnant! And, no, you don't get to see pictures of me.

Monday, October 13, 2008

We have been so busy!!! The past 5 or 6 weeks we have spent at soccer games and in our garage. I don't have my digital camera, so I took these pictures on my phone. Please excuse the quality, but I wanted to show off our hard work. We have just about completed Ellas room. I still need to sew the curtains, and do the final decorations. But, the walls are painted a pretty green with the pink and brown polka dots on top. The furniture was hand-me-down and Craigs list finds that we sanded, primed, painted, crackled, and added knobs to. I am so proud of how it turned out. It was so much work, but I think they look beautiful!!! I've been going through clothes we have for Ella and sorting into size piles so I can put them up properly, so ignore all the stacks on the bed! :)

The other thing keeping us busy is soccer. Grey is having fun, but still has a very low attention span, so he'll be out on the field, running around and just kinda get distracted by something else and totally forget about the game! He does have fun and is learning the concept of the game, so we are pleased with that. Billy is coaching Greys team and I am really proud of how they are doing. Even though these kids are only 4 (and they are all young 4's, just barely made the cut-off) they are learning the concept of the game. Billy works with them on when to do goal kicks, corner kicks, side kicks - I don't even know the difference. They are learning to play as a team and pass the ball, learning to see the whole playing field and go around obstacles rather than just stop. The team as a whole has had very, very few melt-downs and the kids really seem to be having fun.

And as for me.... yah, no pictures for you! I am almost 37 weeks. Those Braxton-Hicks are getting stronger. Surprisingly, though, I am just now getting sleep. For the first time ever, I've had to struggle with insomnia. Then after insomnia, I had severe back muscle spasms. But now everything seems to be doing much better (knock on wood) and I'm actually getting about 8 hrs of sleep a night. I first started having problems in March with sleeping and honestly don't think I've slept more than 3 or 4 hrs a night until about 10 days ago. It is amazing how much a good nights sleep can help!
Billy is doing well. He had to go to Orlando for work last week and was gone about 5 days. I had Billys mom stay with me a few nights, and my mom with me a few nights, "just in case". We are awfully close and it was just better to have someone with me.
Well, that's about it from the Knauss House. Hopefully soon I will be able to introduce our newest bundle of joy!!