Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008:
Christmas morning aftermath:
Dr Grey:

Ella's picture:

Ella's other picture:

Santa's Gift

We had a great Christmas this year. My mom and Stace came to stay with us over the holiday and it was so fun to have them here Christmas morning. On Christmas eve the kids get to open one present, always jammies. This year I have been a bit discombobulated with Christmas (what with having a kid and all) so I forgot to get jammies. On Christmas eve I ran to get some from the store and there were no Christmas jams! Tons of swimsuits, but they had already cleared out all the Christmas items! So, the kids did get jammies, but not Christmas ones. Anyway, they opened those and even though it is always jammies, Grey was still so excited! On Christmas morning Grey got up, and didn't even remember it was Christmas. We had to remind him that Santa came. So he was so excited to see all his presents. Santa did so good with his Gorilla Mountain. Ella got a bunting bag for her car seat and some toys to hang from her car seat. I painted some pictures for Ella's room and am very pleased with how they came out. Grey got a great Dr set that he loves to dress up in. He is so cute! All in all, it was a wonderful Christmas day. Billy's sister and her family came in the day after Christmas and we had a great time with them as well. Grey just loves his cousins!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

We're still here! Man, life with two kids is c-r-a-z-y!!! I go back to work on Jan 5th and I have no idea how I am going to juggle it all!!! It's not like I don't have a stressful, chaotic job to begin with, and then with two! I'm not sure how it is all going to work out, but I am sure it will!

So, where have I been...I'm sorry to say I have totally gotten sucked into the world of Facebook. I have it on my cell phone, so it's just so easy to get on and play around. Plus finding old friends is just so cool. I've been able to catch up with friends from middle school, as well as old Karolyis friends. Its just so fun.

As for the kiddos... Lets start with Grey. Grey is doing great. He loves, loves, loves being a big brother. So far we haven't seen any jealousy issues. He calls Ella his "beautiful" and has to give her hugs and kisses all the time. But, we are seeing some hyperactivity when she is getting too much attention, so hopefully we can keep in tune to his needs and stay on top of that. Ella is almost 6 weeks. She is starting to smile a lot, she is lifting her head and looking around, she has discovered her hands which are the coolest invention ever! She is sleeping pretty consistently from 11 or 11:30 to 5, then back to sleep until 7 or 8. So, not too bad.

I have pictures of the past few weeks I need to post, but I guess it's just kinda busy around here and I have not downloaded them yet. Hopefully will get to that soon. Until next time...Happy Holidays to all!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Grey's Christmas Program:

This year's Christmas Program had Grey singing Here Comes Santa Claus all the time for weeks. He would sing and sing and it was so cute! So we go to the program all excited to see our little boy singing his heart out. Grey loves to sing, so we were so excited. And what happens? My little singer just stood there. The entire time. The only time he actually did anything was on the last song when they were supposed to be doing the sign language sign for "I Love You" to Jesus, Grey turned that into Spiderman hands and was shooting webs at the audience. Yeah, Daddy was so proud!!! What a goober!