Saturday, December 31, 2005

Chaos reigns during present time!

Shaelin opening a gift from Grey.

Blocks for Grey! What more could a boy ask for?

Alaina had fun opening presents!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Grey getting a blanket ride on his cool quilt Aunt Rebekah made.

Grey riding on Grammas scooter, and yes, he can drive it all by himself!

Grey and Daddy putting together a new puzzle.

Grey and Aunt Stacey reading a new book.

Grey with Uncle Blake and Jay, Jay the Jetplane!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Just a very quick post to say that Grey can now jump from the coffee table to the couch. How 'bout them apples???

Monday, December 12, 2005

This morning has been one of the most chaotic mornings I've ever had. One of my friends and I do a babysitting swap where I watch her son on Mondays and she watches Grey on Thursdays. Well, her son is transitioning into a "big boy" bed and has not slept well the past several days, in fact, he's been up since 3:20 this morning. Then there is Grey who is teething - finally - at 19 months. So, both boys are in a rare mood today. Today has been chaos. Did I already say that??? Anyway, more accomplished mothers may have already figured out what I just now realized, but I'll get back to that parenting tip in a bit. First off, let me explain one thing about myself. I'm kinda anal retentive. All right, probably more than kinda, but I like to think of it as a cute, endearing, idiocracy but, back to the point. I don't much care for a mess. So, as the boys go around and play, I usually go around behind them and pick up. But today, they have caused more than your regular mess. First off, lets start with the curtains. I have some curtains hung in our living room by a spring rod, to avoid more nasty holes in my wall. Today the boys decided it would be fun to wind themselves up in them... While I'm of course cleaning up breakfast. So, by the time I get both boys out of the curtains, it's too late and they have pulled the curtains down. Then, me being me, I had to get the curtains back up. As I'm putting up the curtains, I hear a quiet giggling - never a good sign. I look around and notice that almost all of the lower half of my Christmas tree ornaments are on the floor and they are pulling off more as fast as they can. So, I get the curtain done in an instant and start herding them from the Christmas tree and I start putting the ornaments back on. As I am doing this I hear a door knob turn... Another bad sign. I leave the ornaments and run into the bathroom to find Grey sitting on the toilet seat with his feet dangling in the toilet kicking water everywhere. UGH!!! So, I get Grey out of the toilet, change his clothes, and go back to the ornaments. And it gets quiet. Really, Really quiet. I stop putting the ornaments back on and run into Greys room, where the boys have opened up Greys dresser and have thrown Grey's clothes all over the room. So, by now I'm done with the ornaments and start in on the clothes. I've closed the door and boxed the boys in with me, and feeling smug with myself for finally realizing this little tidbit. Of course, in the mean time, they take apart the bookshelf and the toy box! Now it's time for lunch and (did I mention all this happened before lunch???) nap time is just around the corner. Blessed naptime. The greatest invention since... Well, since ever. So, after the boys eat (with out too many issues) I put them down for a nap. And as I was sitting down to quietly eat my lunch I had an epiphany. I understand proactive parenting, or at least the theory behind it. But I've got to get over the anal-ness that is me and leave the mess and follow the boys! So, there it is... My parenting tip - LEAVE THE MESS... FOLLOW THE BOYS. If this has helped you in any way, I hope so. Otherwise my morning was all for naught. Now, I've got to go have my 2pm Dr Pepper early, because it's just one of those days!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Cowboys vs Chiefs
Sunday was a big day for Billy. He got to watch the Chiefs play!!! We had our best friends - who are die-hard Cowboy fans come over the for big game. They arrived all decked out in their Cowboy gear, while Grey and Billy were all decked out in their Chiefs gear. It was quite the evening and Grey loved the victory dances after touchdowns...
Touchdown for the Chiefs!!!
Grey and Uncle Sean sharing a snack.

The gymnast in Grey coming out. While all the adults were watching the game, Grey thought he would go play in his play room.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

When Grey had his 18 month check up, one of the things the Dr mentioned was that Grey should be wanting to help out around the house. Well, Grey does like to help out, but I don't think this is exactly what she had in mind.
Santa Claus:
Today we decided Grey needed to see Santa Claus for that typical Christmas picture. However, Grey did not agree with us in this decision. We took Grey to a new mall near us to see Santa. We walked in at the perfect time and only had to wait for one person ahead of us. But, while we were waiting the line built to down the street and around the corner. We pumped Grey up with all our talk about Santa and toys and Christmas while we were waiting. Then, when it was our turn, Grey had a melt-down. Grey was absolutely, positively not going to sit in Santas lap. So, Daddy tried to encourage Grey while Mommy was watching the process to get it "just-so", all the while the photographer was already taking pictures! So, we didn't realize our turn was up and we've got a terrible picture of Grey with a terrified look on his face, an un-friendly Santa, and a bewildered Dad. I think I could have just thrown our money out the car window, pinched Grey to cause the crying and saved myself a headache. But, I was not about to let this Holiday season go by without a picture with Santa (yes, at times I think I'm certifiably crazy). Our local America's County Store was having a Pet Pictures with Santa Day. So, we stopped there, thinking the pets might distract Grey enough. While the photo's may not be professional, the Santa suit is lacking, and the set-up is somewhat lackadaisical - you can not find better people to help you out. These people went so far above and beyond to get us a picture. They pulled out all the stops - bunnies, puppies, candy, etc... And finally, we have a picture of Santa and Grey (sort-of). Maybe next year we'll have better luck!!!
The above picture was of last years Santa trip, and the pictures below are of this years Santa trip....

Monday, December 05, 2005

This weekend we had a whirlwind of shopping out at Canton, TX. Grey's MiMi and Tacey were here and we spent a few days out at Canton. In the chaos that is Christmas shopping, we never got any pictures!!! However, on Sunday we did do the outside lights, so here are a few pictures of Grey and our front door, and Grey and his sock-monkey hat. Isn't it so cute?!?!? And Grey will not wear any hat of any kind, except this one. In fact he wouldn't let us take it off! Well, at least he has a hat to wear through the winter now.