Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Potty Training Update #3:

We're still doing good. Grey seemed to get the hang of this pretty quickly, so I'm very excited! My diaper budget has gone down drastically and that's another fun part of this. So, keep your fingers crossed for us and hopefully we won't have any "relapses".

Monday, October 09, 2006

Potty Training Update:

Grey is doing well with the potty training. I think this might be the calm before the storm. Last week, about mid-week, Grey finally "got it" and he has done really well since then. He got some big boy undies and has only had a few accidents. He can stay in one pull-up or undies all day long, so we are really excited. I don't know if it will last. I've heard that a lot of boys go through a great period and then fall off back to the diaper days. So, I'm trying to not get too excited and dream of days without diapers, but... Well, wish me luck!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Potty Training????

I'm not sure how this goes exactly. I don't know if I am starting it too early, too late, or what. We are going to try going to the potty for a few days and see how it goes. I got Grey some Bob the Builder pull-ups, which Grey loves because they have a tractor on them. He adamantly does not want to wear diapers, and he isn't fighting me with going to the potty chair every 30 min. So far, no success, but it's only been 3 hours! Grey stays dry for a few hours at a time, and he's coming and telling me when he needs to be changed, so I think it's time to try. Right now I am taking him to the potty chair every 30 min, and I think he's getting the idea. So, for all you moms out there... Any potty training advice? I'm all ears...