Saturday, February 25, 2006

This weekend we had Mimi, Tacey, and Gramma come visit. Unfortunately the weekend ended up not being as much fun for Gramma, who had to go to the hospital with Shingles. Gramma is doing much better now, but Grey sure missed seeing her. Grey did appreciate Gramma leaving Grey his favorite toy - her walker!!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Just a quick update - Grey has two new teeth that have broken through! We didn't even realize they were coming in. So, now he'll be up to 6 teeth. 4 across the top and 2 on the bottom - all in front. YEAH!!!! Maybe he'll turn 2 with a normal amount of teeth?!?!?!? Uh... I don't think so. He's got alot of catching up to do!
One more story. Yesterday when we were walking out of church, Billy was carrying Grey and they were talking about the sky. I asked Grey, "Who made the sky?", and Grey replied "God did". Another tug on my heartstrings!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Java and the Olympics:
I know we haven't done any pictures of Java, but this was just too funny. Guess he really likes the Olympics!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Grey has a new place he likes to hang out! He's so funny!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Tool Man

You can't see it here, but Grey is playing with his toy tools he got for Christmas and singing!!! Oh be still my heart!!! What a great moment!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Guys Weekend -
Sorry I don't have any pictures for this weekend, since I was out of town, but Grey and Billy had run of the house this weekend. I was at a ladies retreat (which was great, by the way) and the boys had their first "Guy Weekend". Apparently all went well - the house was still standing, and in decent condition, everyone was fed, no broken bones or items around the house, etc... They went to the park, went to Home Depot (a must for the manly man), watched Harry Potter (not sure how that falls into the manly man description), and made it in one, well dressed, piece to church Sunday morning. Over all it went so well, that I am going to have to do it again next year!