4th of July Weekend:
We had a great holiday weekend full of friends, family, spending time outside, and lots of good BBQ and summer foods. On Friday night, we had Sean and Dee over for games and fireworks. They brought Grey some fun surprised - sunglass (which he loved), balloons (which he loved), and silly string (which completely freaked him out!!!). Who ever heard of a kid being scared of silly string? Especially Grey. He's so fearless, that it was really surprising to see him scared of such a fun toy! Anyway, we had a great time and watched the Wylie Fireworks from our backyard. Then on Saturday Gramma Dee, Grandpa Mark, and Uncle Mark came over for a cook-out and more fun play time. Grey had a blast showing off and playing. Then on Sunday was church and fantastic weather. I think my favorite summer memory was this night. The weather was just wonderful and we spent a lot of time outside. Before Greys bedtime, a storm was rolling in, and we were outside. You could smell the rain, and there was a nice breeze, and Billy was blowing bubbles and Grey was running around with his great giggle and popping the bubbles. So, that is my favorite summer memory so far. My favorite sound is Greys giggle, my favorite smell is Rain, my favorite time of day is sunset, so all of those combined was great. Anyway, on Monday Billy had to work, so Grey and I had a day to ourselves. After Billy got home we went to Kaboom Town, which was a huge disappointment. We sat in traffic for over an hour and it was for about 10-15 min of fireworks. Not great at all. On Tuesday Billy wasn't feeling well, so we stayed home and I made BBQ chicken and some standard 4th of July fare. Over all it was a GREAT weekend. Sorry, no pictures. It was just one of those weekends where you sit back and relax - not run for the camera. Hope you all had a great 4th!!!!