Sunday, July 16, 2006

This weekend Greys cousins, Shaelin and Alaina are in town. We spent most of the weekend at Gramma Dees house playing with the girls. Grey had a blast spending time with them. Gramma Dee lives in Lantana, TX and they have awesome,resort-like pools in the neighborhood. So we spent a lot of time in the water. Grey is totally fearless. If you're ever at a pool with Grey and you hear "1...,2...,3..." you better be ready because he's coming in! He jumps in and likes to go completely under. The pool area has a spray park where Grey can just run around and he loved that, but they also have a "beach" section. It's not sandy, but it slopes in so Grey can run through the water. Grey likes to stand at the edge of the water, run until it's about a foot deep, then dive in head first, then go completely underwater and float on his tummy. He floats just long enough to get everyone nervous that he's not going to come up, then comes up laughing! What a crazy boy.
This week Grey is going to spend the days with Gramma Dee and his cousins. They will have so much fun. Sorry I don't have any pictures. We forgot the camera!

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