Monday, March 09, 2009


Ella is 4 months!

Ella had her 4 month check up and all is well. Here are her stats:
Weight: 12.3 (10 - 25 %)
Length 24.5 inches (50 - 75%)
Head: 16 1/8 (25 - 50%)

She is doing great. She can roll over both ways. Is full of grins and giggles. She is very easy going and laid back. She doesn't fuss much. We are trying rice cereal. Last night was the first try and she seemed to really love it, but couldn't quite figure out how to eat it. She get all grinney-mcgrinner when I'd put the spoon to her mouth, but then she'd be grinning so much, the cereal would just roll right out of her mouth! Too cute!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness! Ella is gorgeous!! I love the picture of her in her fluffy tu-tu! I know you're having a great time having a girl!