Monday, July 24, 2006

This weekend we had a very laid back, low-key weekend. Billy got to play golf on Saturday with some friends while Grey and I ran errands and then had a lunch date at Chick-fil-A. Grey did great while running errands, so he and I went out to lunch and he got to play on the playground at Chick-fil-A. On Sunday Grey didn't feel too great, so it was just church and home for us. Billy did the yardwork and I tried to do the housework.

It rained!! Not enough to be measurable, but it was definitely moisture falling from the sky. My Gramma has this incredible love of the weather. She instilled that in her two daughters and they, in turn, in their kids. This weekend when it was raining I had this flashback of my mom and my aunt, both with their respective cameras, standing outside in this massive rainstorm. The kind that when it thunders you can feel the ground shake. Anyway, we were out in West Texas and there they are, standing outside, each with a camera and somehow an umbrella propped up between them, just waiting for a great shot with the lightening and the mountains. This is the stock I come from. I don't know whether to be proud or baffled.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Sounds like a great weekend! I love the "down" times because they don't happen that often.