Last weekend we had lots of company! My Mom, Stacey, Gramma, Melanie, Tomi, and two of Greys cousins, Jackson and Maddie came for the weekend. We had a great time shopping and the kids hung around the house and played in the backyard as much as we would let them. It was so hot that we couldn't stay out all the time, but we filled up the pool and they had a blast! The kiddos played so well together, and we adults played tons of games (my family's favorite gathering activity). It was so nice to see my family and have some good quality time. It did my heart good to watch the boys, who are so close in age, play so nicely together. Poor Maddie, the only girl, is out-numbered, but tries so hard to keep up with the boys! It was a great weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again soon at Camp Meeting! Here are a few pictures of the weekend.