Thursday, January 05, 2006

Christmas, 2005:

Christmas day this year was spent at Grey's Great Grammas house with all Greys cousins. Grey had a great time playing outside, riding Grammas scooter, and just soaking up all the attention. Grey got in a lot of time with family and loved Grammas huge yard. He would have spent every second outside if we would have just let him! For New Years, Greys other cousins came to visit us in Dallas. Grey loves having the attention of Shaelin and Alaina, and the girls love giving their attention to him. Over all I think it was a great holiday season!!

1 comment:

Amber Smith said...

Grey is so cute, and getting SO big! It is hard to believe that he and Major are the same age. I read your post about him being able to jump from the coffee table to the couch. That's pretty amazing! I think you guys should keep an eye on him. He just might be the next MJordan!