Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bed Issues

This morning, I woke up early to get ready for church leaving Billy still in bed, and Grey sound asleep in his room. After a while, I heard Billy say, "Amber, can you come here a minute?". So, when I opened the door I was greeted by Billy and Grey both in our bed. Billy said, "Look who just came walking in here". Ummm..... huh?!?!? I know I didn't get Grey up, and Billy didn't get Grey up, so, unless a magical nanny has just graced us with her presence, then Grey is now climbing out of his bed. So, here's the dilemma. Do we leave Grey in his crib and hope he doesn't climb out again, or do we move him to a "big boy" bed and hope he'll stay put when it's bedtime? On one hand, I am so not ready for my baby to be in a "big boy" bed. Not ready for the battle of staying in bed, not ready for him to decide when naptime is over, not ready for the sight of a big bed in my baby's room, etc.... But, on the other hand. We have Greys twin bed all set up and in my dining room. So, I AM ready to have that out of my dining room. Any suggestions from those that have "been here, done this"?


Anonymous said...

I think that boy needs a shock collar.

Erica said...

Every child is different. Kaylee always loved her bed and still does. Even when we moved her to the big bed she knew to stay in there till we came and got her. She would look at books or play with her baby doll but not get out of bed. We moved her the first time she got out of the crib because I was more afraid of her hurting herself getting out of the crib than I was the struggle to keep her in her bed at night. In the end follow your gut feeling.