Thursday, April 28, 2011

Greys 7th Birthday

Our boy turns 7 today!! Where did these past 7 years go? Grey is turning into such an amazing little boy and we could not be more proud of him. We started his day off with waffles for his fun birthday breakfast.

Then I had to be in training today but Billy was able to bring Grey his requested lunch...McDonalds of course!

Grey requested a cookie cake for school so Billy brought that but the school just had him leave it in the office and he didn't get to see Grey share it with his friends. For Greys birthday dinner he requested Pigs in a Blanket and Macaronni and Cheese. Hum. But anything for the birthday boy!! And after dinner, finally, Grey got to open presents!! This year is all about Beyblades!!

In honor of Greys 7th birthday, here are seven of my favorite things about this amazing boy!

1) Grey has a sweet sweet heart. He is very caring and concerned about his friends and loved ones.

2) Grey is still a great big brother to Ella. They play so well together and I rarely hear them arguing. Sure, there are days when they do but those are actually few and far between.

3) Grey is very fair. He likes to make sure all his friends are treated fairly and doesn't like anyone to be left out.

4) He is reading like a champ!! This kid reads everything! And I do mean everything. Signs going down the highway, commercials on TV, anything with letters!

5) He is really funny! This kid loves to make people laugh and is often making up his own jokes.

6) Grey is very active. He is doing great in gymnastics and now we've added tennis. He is very agile and such a monkey!

7) Last but not least, Grey is doing really well in school. It's not his favorite thing. In fact, classes kinda get in the way of his recess! But, he amazes me with how quickly he catches on to the topics and how good his memory is. Kid never forgets anything!

Grey has been such an amazing blessing to us and we are the luckiest parents in the world!

~ Amber

Sunday, April 24, 2011

easter weekend

We had a really fun, busy Easter weekend.  Billys sister and her family came in town for the weekend, so the kids were thrilled to see their Aunt Anna, Uncle Craig and cousins Shaelin and Alaina.  Unfortunately, since we were sooooo busy I did not get any decent pictures!!!  Here are a few I took on my phone.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Take me out to the ballgame

This weekend we went down to Houston for a fun weekend.  Mom and Stace got great seats for an Astros game!  We had such a blast hanging out in the pool and just relaxing and enjoying some great family time! 


Saturday morning, Stace wasn’t feeling well, so Mom and Ella decided to make us all some French Toast!  This was by far the best French Toast I’ve EVER had!!


Thankfully, by Saturday evening Stace was feeling 100% and we all got to go to the game.  We had a BLAST!!!!

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A guy a few rows ahead of us caught a ball and was nice enough to give it to Grey!!






And this is where we spent most of Sunday…Wonderful!!!  We cooked out on the fire pit, played in the pool and just relaxed!  It was a perfect weekend!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

M. I. A.

So, I've been a bit of a blog slacker lately. On my behalf, I do have to say it's been a pretty rough go the past few weeks. Before we went to Houston, both kiddos had strep and flu. That was fun. Not. Then we went to Houston and on the Sunday while we were there I though Ella seemed "off". Sure enough, another case of strep. While we were in Houston, the man I consider like a grandfather, who has been battleing cancer, was in the hospital, in ICU. We were able to see him (even the kids) and tell him how much we love him. Ella sang him twinkle twinkle little star and Grey told him a few knock knock jokes. After that weekend he took another turn for the worse and they decided to go home on Hospice and let him be at peace. So a week later, we lost an amazing man. I know heaven is rejoicing with a new angel. So Billy and I headed back to Houston for the funeral. We left the kids with Billys mom that weekend and sure enough, Grey came down with a virus. Yuck! So we come back from an emotional trip to a puking boy. And to add insult to injury, that Monday I woke up with pink eye. Lovely!! So we limp thru the week, have a lazy weekend. And guess what? The next Monday night (or Tuesday morning) I wake up to Grey vomitting again. Yay! Because we haven't had enough illness! Soooooooo... There are all my excuses! I hope we are back on track and healthy cuz we've got a lot to get done around here! We've had to put off all our spring projects due to the random craziness!

This weekend we wanted a relaxing, fun weekend and that's just what we had! We slept in, lazed around, worked on Greys upcoming birthday party, and had a yummy trip to Bahama Bucks! Since no blog entry is complete without a few pictures, here ya go!

Checking out the future "Camp Grey".

Good times at CiCis pizza (Greys choice. He'd been dying to go!)

Bahama Bucks. Yum!!!

Grey and Billy fixing Greys bike.

Ella swinging.

Overall, it was a really fantastic weekend. But, I'm afraid all those spring time projects and chores are still needing to be done. *Sigh*

~ Amber