Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Valentines day photo sessions



Anyone out there searching for a great Valentines day idea?  I am going to be offering a mini session which would make a perfect gift!  I will be at the Gaylord Texan on Sunday, Jan 23rd, and Sunday Jan 30th (I can add days if needed).  This will be a 45 min session and you will get 10 images on a CD along with a personalized Valentines Card.  You can then make as many prints for as many people as you want!  No high costs on prints over here!  I do offer canvas printing and am also including a 20% off coupon for a gallery wrapped canvas print.  Please contact me if you would like to schedule a session.  You can leave a comment here, or on facebook and I will get back with you! 

1 comment:

Jon Rowe said...

Hey Amber,
Randomly came across your blog, and wanted to tell you about a site I am trying to get off the ground. Its called Its completely free for basic listings. It could help out your photography business a fair bit if it takes off. The vision for it is basically a site where bloggers can find other bloggers in their geographical area. I think it would be incredibly interesting if it actually became populated. I launched it only 2 days ago. Just would love some help getting it going. Have a look and if you like the idea, please list your blog!If you put up a link to my site on your own blog, I will give you a free featured listing!

Jon Rowe