Friday, January 21, 2011

wonderful whitt worker

Today Grey was honored at school for doing so well in his studies.  Each teacher picks one child per 6 weeks to essentially get “honor roll”.  This year Grey has done so well in school.  He has gotten 100% on every spelling test, except one.  His reading has jumped from a level 6 to a level 20.  He comes home every day with  new and interesting information that he has learned.  We are so proud of Grey and so excited that Mrs. Palmer also sees his hard work and dedication.





Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Valentines day photo sessions



Anyone out there searching for a great Valentines day idea?  I am going to be offering a mini session which would make a perfect gift!  I will be at the Gaylord Texan on Sunday, Jan 23rd, and Sunday Jan 30th (I can add days if needed).  This will be a 45 min session and you will get 10 images on a CD along with a personalized Valentines Card.  You can then make as many prints for as many people as you want!  No high costs on prints over here!  I do offer canvas printing and am also including a 20% off coupon for a gallery wrapped canvas print.  Please contact me if you would like to schedule a session.  You can leave a comment here, or on facebook and I will get back with you! 

Sunday, January 09, 2011



grey snow angel

IMG_8708 copy

It snowed in Dallas today!!  We went outside and played for a while and I got a few shots of the kids enjoying the weather.  It was a really fun time.  This doesn’t happen often here, so we try and take advantage when we can!

Friday, January 07, 2011


Billy was home from work today and it was a beautiful day. However, the weather reports are calling for snow this weekend. Grey lost his heavy coat. Again. And so we have been on a hunt for a new winter jacket. The problem is, we live in Texas. So, naturally all the winter clothes are gone and we have tons of options for bathing suits!!! After more shops than I care to remember we finally found ONE on a sale rack at Gymboree. As we were walking to the store we had to walk past a Build-A-Bear. Ella saw the store windows, stopped in her tracks and said "Wow. Nnnnnnniiiiiiiccccccceeeee!". So we just had to do the whole experience. We actually had not done the Build-A-Bear thing before, so it was a really fun, spontaneous adventure!

Grey chose a puppy and he named him Max. Ella chose a kitty named Kitty.

Filling up Kitty.

Filling up Max.

Bathing Max.

Ella was done at this point but we had a great time. I want one next time! :)

Kitty and Max.


The word I picked to concentrate on for 2011 is JOY. I found this quote and wanted to share it.

"If you are joyful, it will shine in your eyes and in your look, in your conversation and in your countenance. You will not be able to hide it because joy overflows. Joy must be one of the pivots of our life. It is the token of a generous personality. Sometimes it is also a mantle that clothes a life of sacrifice and self-giving. A person who has this gift often reaches high summits. He or she is like a sun in a community."

~ Mother Theresa

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Wordle: who i am

I saw this idea of "one little word" on a few blogs and have decided this year I want to concentrate on Joy. Not necessarily always being happy or everything always going right, but in finding the Joy in very circumstance. Good, bad, scary, rich, poor, healthy, sick, etc... we are told to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. I want to live up to that and be that kind of a woman. These are several words I plan to concentrate on in 2011 to help shape my heart and grow to be a woman after Gods heart.