Friday, November 05, 2010

Ella Turns 2!

I can't believe my baby turned 2!! How did this happen so fast? We celebrated on her birthday with a fun evening at Chuck E Cheese. This was Ellas first time to go and really enjoy all they had to offer.

A few things about Ella at two. She is extremely and fiercely independent. I think we hear "I do it!" more than any other phrase. She is a daddies girl. He can get her to cooperate better than anyone else. It makes my heart melt to watch their bond grow. She loves shoes! This girl absolutely adores shoes! What's funny is that both Grey and I are barefoot people around the house and this drives Ella nuts. She wants us to all wear shoes all the time.

See what I mean! Lol! Also she is a dancer. She loves pop music and tends to be quite demanding to hear certain songs. And any time she hears a song with a beat she just can't hold still!

YouTube Video

I hope the video works. It's really too cute for words!

So the next day, we celebrated Ella at home with our dear friends. My BFF made this amazing cake for Els.

Ella loved being the center of attention! We are so blessed to have Ella in our family. Her sweet personality really just brings us so much joy. Two years has gone so fast but at the same time it feels as if she has always been with us! We love our Ella Bella!

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