Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Golightly Images

OK, it's time to spill the beans. I've been an aspiring photographer for years. I love photography!! Then I had Grey. And, while I still loved photography, that dream got put on hold. Technology advanced. I kept busy with a full time career and an active child. Then I had Ella. Still loved taking pictures, but mostly by this time I was out of the loop. Long story short, I am back in the loop, and back to trying to pursue my dream. So, Golightly Images is open for business.

Why Golightly, you might ask. Well, I'm a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn. A lot of my inspiration comes from her movies...Funny Face is actually my favorite, however it's not an ideal name for a photographer! But, Holly Golightly...Breakfast at Tiffanys. Really, is there anything else that encompasses grace, class, elegance better than Audrey Hepburn?

I hope to get my new blog beautified and glamorized soon. In the meantime, pop over to Golightly Images at for a preview. It really is not perfect yet. I have more pictures to edit and upload, but I hope you can get the gist of my work. If anyone would like to contact me, please just leave a comment on either blog. I can promise you that we will create unique pictures that really show off your personality.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Congrats Amber!!! Way to follow your dreams! I am VERY proud of you!