Monday, December 15, 2008

We're still here! Man, life with two kids is c-r-a-z-y!!! I go back to work on Jan 5th and I have no idea how I am going to juggle it all!!! It's not like I don't have a stressful, chaotic job to begin with, and then with two! I'm not sure how it is all going to work out, but I am sure it will!

So, where have I been...I'm sorry to say I have totally gotten sucked into the world of Facebook. I have it on my cell phone, so it's just so easy to get on and play around. Plus finding old friends is just so cool. I've been able to catch up with friends from middle school, as well as old Karolyis friends. Its just so fun.

As for the kiddos... Lets start with Grey. Grey is doing great. He loves, loves, loves being a big brother. So far we haven't seen any jealousy issues. He calls Ella his "beautiful" and has to give her hugs and kisses all the time. But, we are seeing some hyperactivity when she is getting too much attention, so hopefully we can keep in tune to his needs and stay on top of that. Ella is almost 6 weeks. She is starting to smile a lot, she is lifting her head and looking around, she has discovered her hands which are the coolest invention ever! She is sleeping pretty consistently from 11 or 11:30 to 5, then back to sleep until 7 or 8. So, not too bad.

I have pictures of the past few weeks I need to post, but I guess it's just kinda busy around here and I have not downloaded them yet. Hopefully will get to that soon. Until next time...Happy Holidays to all!


Beth said...

I am with you about being sucked into facebook!
Have NO FEAR.... you will do great juggling everything! You probably will be a little crazy all the time but well..... WHO isn't!
OK....too sweet....Grey calling Ella his "beautiful"! I love that :-)

Traci said...

I can't wait to meet Ella! I will call you when we head over that way!

Cute blog, by the way, did you give up on me? :)