Monday, October 10, 2011

The State Fair of Texas

Grey was out of school today for Columbus day, so Billy and I decided to take the day off and go to the state fair. We had a blast walking around and eating tons of fried foods. Yum!! The kids enjoyed watching the shows and playing games and riding rides. The weather was perfect and we had a wonderful fun filled day!

Big Tex:

Ella square dancing:

Grey found a green motorcycle:

Ella was sooo tired! I think the swing almost put her to sleep!

~ Amber

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

baby blues?

Not likely for me!  I’ve been up to my eyeballs in the sweetest, cuddliest babes!  I’m doing newborn photography and LOVING it!!  Check out some of my favorites!  These are from different photo shoots, but I just love all of them!




