Monday was red ribbon day and he was supposed to wear all red. For dinner we had "bloody brains and witches fingers".
Tuesday was Team up against drugs so he wore his favorite team jersey. Go Chiefs!!!
And we had eyeball tacos for dinner.
Wednesday was silly hat day. We used his Woody hat from Halloween a few years ago. Grey was really unsure about wearing a silly hat to school but afterwards he said he was glad he did! We also had monster claws for dinner that night!
On Thursday Grey had "Hugs Not Drugs" day and was suppose to bring his favorite stuffed animal. This night we did not have a Halloween meal because we did pumpkin carving instead!
And Friday was Greys party at school! He had a great time! Both Billy and I got to come up and be there for him. It was fun seeing Grey with his little friends, and all the cute costumes!
I ran out of meal ideas so Papa Murphys had a Jack-O-Lantern pizza.
Finally Halloween arrived! We made "witches brew" (chili) and used fun plates and cups then hit the neighborhood for candy. It was really a great week! I hope I can remember to do this again next year!
Hope you all had a very Happy Halloween!!!