Monday, August 23, 2010

1st day of 1st grade

Grey was so excited to start 1st grade.  Just kidding!  Grey really wasn’t so cool with going back to school.  He was ok with going back to school, but he wanted to go back to kindergarten, back to his teacher from last year, back to the same classroom with the same classmates, etc…  Until, we got to his new class room and guess what he saw???  He got his very own locker JUST like Shaelin and Alaina!  That seriously turned his entire day around!  Grey wasn’t difficult about starting back to school, he just wasn’t that into all the school shopping and new clothes and new supplies like his Momma was!  He did great with everything and I am sure he is going to have a fantastic year.


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Sunday, August 22, 2010

last weekend of the summer

This starts out with a bit of no fun…what kid wants to end summer with FOUR cavities??? So in order to make a no-fun situation better, we went to Kansas on the last weekend. Billy sister was able to get Greys dental situation corrected and since he was seeing Aunt Anna, a dreaded dentist trip became a great time! He loved being spoiled and actually came home smiling! But, we had a great last week end! We got to go to Grey’s cousins school and had lunch with Shaelin and Alaina. Grey thought that was sooooo cool. Shaelin and Alaina have lockers and Grey really thought those were the neatest thing ever. We got to see Alaina play soccer, which is always fun, and got to attend a bridal shower with most of Billy's family. It was a wonderful weekend and a great way to end the summer!IMG_7280 photo sg

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

paisley – 3 months

While we were in Kansas I had the pleasure of photographing Paisleys 3 month pictures. She is such a sweet baby. I had a really hard time putting her down to take her pictures because she is such a snuggle-bug! She is so laid back, I seriously don’t think she cried except to say “Hey, I’m hungry” and that was about it! What a doll!

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Sunday, August 08, 2010

bloys, 2010

The rest of Camp Meeting was spent with fantastic family time, worship, and mostly relaxing.  Billy was able to take Grey up the mountain several times.  Grey enjoyed playing with his friends and cousins.  We went to the McDonald Observatory and had fantastic star gazing this year.  I think this year was one of the best for the stars!!  It’s always so nice to catch up with folks we’ve known forever and rarely get to see.  I always leave Bloys with a bittersweet feeling.  It’s so nice to know I’ll be back next year!  Anyway, on to the picture overload!!

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Sunday, August 01, 2010

bubbles bubbles everywhere

The day after we arrived at Camp Meeting my mom broke out the greatest toys of the week…bubbles!!!  The kids had a blast playing with these.  IMG_6719 IMG_6755 IMG_6767 IMG_6770 IMG_6787 IMG_6791 IMG_6793