This year Grey chose to be Optimus Prime and Ella was a ballerina. The kids really had fun. I didn't think Ella would get all that into trick or treating, but she wanted to walk to every door. She would get almost up to the door, say something gibberish, then turn around and walk on to the next door. She got the concept! Grey, however, had a blast. He loved seeing the other kids in costume, he enjoyed the houses that were decorated, and he LOVED getting candy! It was so much fun to watch them both, on completely different levels, having so much fun together! I kept thinking about last year at Halloween. I walked and walked and walked and walking, hoping to get Ella out. I was sooooooooo done being pregnant by then! And now, here we are one year later. I can't believe it! Anyway, it was a fun night and we have tons of candy to prove it!!
My Artwork
8 years ago