Grey's 4th Birthday:
I can't believe Grey is 4 yrs old today! Time has flown by so fast! This first picture was taken while we were still in the hospital, so he was around 1 day old.

This was his 1yr birthday picture. What a change in one year. Grey started walking around 8 months and quickly went to climbing. Our lives got pretty hectic then!

This was Grey's 2nd birthday. He still loves this tractor! By two Grey finally had teeth (he started teething around 16 months), he loved playing outside, and he loved being with his older friends.

On Grey's 3rd birthday we went camping. By this time Grey had figured out that he loved superheros, still prefered outdoors to inside, and loved going camping!

Grey is 4 now and is so big. He still loves superheros, still loves being outside, still prefers to be with older kids. But, he also has started being able to sit still and not constantly have to be moving. He loves to read books, color, and watch cartoons. He still would rather be outside than in, but can be happy just about anywhere!
So, there is some information on my big, big boy! I still can't believe it. He is very excited to be a big brother and insists he is going to have a sister and her name with be "Rojo". Not sure about that one!